sábado, 25 de setembro de 2010

Lang Lang plays with his father


"Last year, DG released Dragon Songs, a DVD that reflects the other side of Lang Lang's professional life. Here we see him going back to his home town, giving master classes at the local academy, and being feted on a heroic scale: four orchestras plus 100 female pianists hammer their Steinways in time with his for an epic performance of The Yellow River Concerto. Yet Lang Lang has stayed true to his roots in a completely unpretentious way: he still plays chamber music with his father, whose instrument is the Chinese "erhu" (bowed like a cello, and more piercingly sweet than the violin), and he makes a point of including contemporary Chinese works in his recitals. Asked about the future for Chinese indigenous music, he replies, quite simply: "It's very bright." "   
in: http://www.langlang.com/us/press/lang-lang-peoples-pianist

erhu - Destaquei na transcrição,  a negrito, o nome do instrumento chinês tocado pelo pai do talentoso Lang Lang.

Pai e Filho... que maravilhoso dueto para os nossos ouvidos...!

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